Education ◆ Therapy ◆ Coaching ◆ Workshops
Sex and relationships are not something we just have, they are something we do. Maintaining intimacy and connection with one another (and oneself) in a healthy way is an active process that requires a great deal more effort and practice than we are often taught! This is where I come in. Big or small, I am here to help you navigate your questions, issues and new experiences in sexual health and wellness.
Sex and relationships hold a particular power to both hurt and heal us. In a society where sex is both ubiquitous and taboo, most of us grow up not knowing how to talk about sex let alone acquire the skills to lead fulfilling sex lives or process painful sexual experiences.
Wether you have questions about safer sex and contraception, are looking to deepen your connection to your own body, grow your confidence, explore your sexual orientation or gender identity, expand your sexual horizon, navigate dating, a new relationship style or break up, process sexual trauma, or relieve performance anxiety, I am here to be your guide.
By lending a nonjudgmental ear and working together to find techniques and exercises that work for you, I hope to help you feel at home in your own sexuality. All genders and sexual orientations welcome.
In addition to private sessions, I teach comprehensive sex & relationship education to children and adults, offer workshops, speak publicly and give lectures on a range of topics related to sexuality and sexual health. For more information about booking me to teach or speak, please feel free to email me at
Gerhardstrasse 1, 8003 Zürich
“If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?”